Refreshed. Renewed. Reinvigorated to bring clarity into 2022! With that in-mind, it’s time to strip down old marketing to achieve peripheral success.
First, the only way to boost this well-organized marketing is to be honest! Engaging with ALL of these efforts can seem a bit daunting, but step-by-step, you will have a strategic plan to embrace the next level of communication for your donors.
Messaging that engages.
I use the acronym C.A.R. when developing messaging that engages. Whether you are promoting an event, launching a new campaign or reciting your organization’s foundational story, it goes beyond YOU as the communicator! It’s time to start thinking like your targeted audience.
• Curated = It makes a huge difference to keep messaging more simplistic. Easy to digest. Easy to understand. Easy to take raise …
• Awareness = Your mission marketing must be tied to every piece of marketing. Be specific and outline immediate response to …
• Resonate = Clever and clear messaging connects to your audience to make a difference and become a part of a community with a BIGGER goal in mind.
All road signs lead to decluttering your messaging in three simple steps to drive the C.A.R.
Communication style.
Even more important than messaging … communication style. Now, you have already organized your donors by communication style, right? Uh oh … too soon? Well, now is the time to set aside some serious time and develop communication styles for your target niches in your donor umbrella. Your donors will only participate in this game if communication is specifically targeted toward them!! Intentional marketing must be fresh each and every time if you want to create reciprocity all year long and will directly affect your bottom line if you understand the tone and style to deliver.
Popular styles are:
• Website, make sure this is mobile friendly!
• Blog and Social Media, scheduling is your friend!
• Paid Advertising, must be strategic in this approach and professional graphics are must!
• Unpaid Advertising, cross-promoting with other organizations makes an extreme difference!
• E-newsletters, communication landing in their inbox!
• Direct Mail, snail mail is not dead and sometimes unexpected!
• Mobile Marketing, new to the scene, but texting is becoming extremely powerful!
• Meetings, this will always create that K.L.T. (Know Like Trust)
Communication outreach needs to be scheduled – PERIOD! Stay on top of it. Cross-promote messaging on various platforms. We offer services for outsourced marketing because we understand how this sector can get lost and communication ceased during busy times! Always remember, this will help increase awareness and provide clarity for advocates to become donors.
How will you allocate funds to maximize your communication outreach? Does your organization need to hire a Marketing Director? a Graphic Designer? a Social Media Marketer? Do not let the ball drop on communication or get too comfortable during the summer slump or post event/campaign!
To reap the marketing communication reward must be tracked. What does success look like? Specific monetary goals? Volunteers? Outreach? Maybe it was simply to market by using the peripheral! EVERY. SINGLE. OUTLET. tapped into to establish greater awareness.
What resonated the most? Did donors or new potentials reach out? Review all analytics from click rates to attendance to money raised. Keep track of the communication style for each target niche.
Remember, your donors should be separated into buckets of communication styles. Speak WITH them! Keep revising your content to balance out the AWARENESS vs. the ASK! You will find even more success when you take the time to do it and do it over and do it over and do it over!
Have fun and remember, you have plenty to share! Cheers!