Branding, Events, Marketing, Strategy, Websites Ready. SET. Plan for 2022. We don’t know about you, but over here, Team BPCG is trying to wrap our heads around the fact that, in a few short hours, it will be 2-0-2-2. We survived (and thrived) through another year. Before next week takes off, it’s the perfect time for a little reflection and most importantly, planning. What worked really well? How many pats on the back should we give? Where can we readjust for next year? Think of this like planning your dream year. You can’t control every aspect of the next year, but you CAN control your goals and your plan of attack. So, pour yourself a cup of something (wine, beer, tea, champagne, coffee) and download/print out the BPCG #nojudgement Prep Guide. It’s guaranteed to get you moving and motivated in a new direction. We’ve highlighted personal and professional areas and we ask one thing – Be Honest, with no judgement. Once you’ve reflected upon 2021 and planned for your 2022, you’ll be able to clearly visualize and craft your 2022 yearly reflection. Enjoy and we’d love to hear your word for the year: Download NOW You May Also Like... Strip Down your Marketing December 3, 2021 Quit Discounting Pricing on Services November 9, 2022 How to be Productive and What you need to Stop Doing Now May 11, 2022 Previous Post Create clear Brand Language Next Post 2022 Marketing Trends